TCW and Bristol Energy Network to Host Community Energy…
Saturday 27th November, Cabot Circus, Bristol The Converging World (TCW) and Bristol Energy Network (BEN) are hosting a community energy open day at the new Start Living green advice centre in Cabot Circus. The day will be full of practical advice on how communities and schools can save energy, money and carbon.TCW will present their free Community Energy Programme, which takes community groups through a process of energy and cost reduction via domestic efficiency measures, and facilitates renewable energy installations where possible.Bristol Energy Network (BEN) is a newly-formed network for all those interested in community energy issues and projects in the city. They will be happy to talk with interested individuals and groups and welcome them to join, and to attend the quarterly meetings. BEN will provide a means of maintaining dialogue and awareness between groups, and of helping them to make the most of the services available in the city.All are welcome, and refreshments will be available through the day. It will be a great opportunity for information and networking. Download the flyer here.