EnergyMap tool launching soon
The TCW team have been hard at work recently developing a new online tool to support people working in energy efficiency or renewables: Energy Map. Funding from Artist Project Earth and the Vodafone Foundation have allowed us to invest time into EnergyMap – we’re extremely grateful to these organisations for their support.
EnergyMap was borne of a desire to simplify calculations around community energy consumption. However, the project quickly developed a much wider scope, as we realised the potential for a flexible and open tool which combines geographic and statistical data on a simple Google Maps interface. EnergyMap will allow users to explore this data, be it energy consumption, socio-economic data or any other available information, in a visual way. The data can be compared across regions (from Local Authority to that of a few streets) and tracked over time. EnergyMap will also offer more specific functionality, such as comparing your energy bills with the average in your area or showing the top 10 energy consuming regions in the country.
EnergyMap has been designed with flexibility in mind and adding additional functionality or data is extremely simple. Look out for more news in the near future when we launch the tool.