Eco-Restoration: A critical and urgent need
For more than 100 years, biospheres, ecosystems and habitats around the world have been gradually destroyed with devastating consequences. Local people who depend upon the flora and fauna have been left marginalised, species are disappearing, there is poor water retention and local and global climatic conditions are changing for the worse because of the destruction of large areas of forests.
Tamil Nadu, India, where our wind farms are located) specifically covers an area of 130,058 Km2 and many areas have been severely deforested over the past few decades to provide for fire wood, agricultural land and development. These activities are important but when it has not been managed carefully the rich natural environment which is needed to support these activities, is severely eroded. It is understood that 2.5% of Tamil Nadu is protected but more is needed so that it can sustain life including its local people and beyond.
Eco-restoration aims to restore these areas with indigenous flora and fauna that can sustain local people for generations to come through the nurture and protection of the natural environment.
The Converging World has partnered with a team led by Joss Brooks based in Auroville, just north of Pondicherry on the east coast of Tamil Nadu to support the eco-restoration of this land.
Joss Brooks will be speaking at Bristol Zoo on Tuesday 21 October 2014 – for further information and booking see http://www.bcsf.org.uk/research-colloquium
To celebrate the Bristol as Green Capital of Europe 2015, we are launching phase one of our eco-restoration programme which aims to support the eco-restoration of 100 acres, just over 400,000m2. This is approximately equivalent to the number of people living in Bristol. c400,000.
More information coming soon.