Whether you are an individual, school, street or business you can plant a Forest the Size of You!
The size of your carbon or aerial footprint at work or at home; for your family, friends, colleagues or yourself; or simply because you just want to see more trees in the world!
For whatever reason, we can help you Plant Your Forest (or Tree) Today!
What do you want to do?

Forest Cover My Area
You can plant the aerial footprint of your school, office, street or even city.
For example;
In the UK the average house has an aerial footprint of 90 square meters.
To Forest Cover This Area would take 10 trees.
Tree Peeps
Plant trees for people (peeps), for friends and family, colleagues or students.
As a gift or in memory or for every employee in your company or student in your school or college.
For example, one legal firm in London is supporting its employees to plant trees through a payroll giving scheme.

Absorb My CO2
We are all trying to reduce our CO2 however it is almost impossible to be zero carbon.
Alongside working hard to reduce our CO2 we can also plant trees to help absorb the CO2 we still haven’t managed to avoid or reduce.
For example;
A typical UK citizen might be responsible for 6 tonnes of CO2 per year.
To absorb this, 6 trees need to be planted.
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