TCW Wins 4 Vodafone World of Difference Awards
The Converging World has been awarded grants to pay salaries for four volunteers for two months as part of the Vodafone World of Difference scheme. Vodafone’s World of Difference UK programme pays for a volunteer to work with their chosen charity for two months. Out of 11,000 applications, TCW was awarded four grants, doubling the size of its team for two months. TCW worked with the applicants to make sure the projects fit in with its objectives this year. The winners are: Katie Allen will be developing our village-scale renewable energy programme, helping to break the cycle of electricity theft and lift people out of fuel poverty in India. Sian Easton will be looking into sustainable tourism, promoting the TCW carbon calculator, which allows people to calculate emissions from all types of transport through a user-friendly interface. Lizzie Wain wrote a report on climate change adaptation for TCW (soon to be released) and will be continuing her work, talking to organisations in India to improve data and influence policy in Tamil Nadu. Becky Sage will be working on an education pack for schools to raise awareness about climate change, sustainable development in India and carbon reduction in the UK.TCW is delighted to have the extra support for two months and is sure that the volunteers will have a great experience.