The Economics of Happiness – film screening and discussion
6pm – 9pm, Tuesday 24 May 2011, 3rd Floor, Bush House, Bristol The Happy City Initiative and The Converging World are organising the first showing in the Southwest of the film The Economics of Happiness. This new documentary by the International Society for Ecology & Culture (ISEC) describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposite directions. On the one hand, it explores the impact of the economic globalisation policies promoted by many governments and corporations. On the other, it introduces an emerging worldwide community which is moving forward an agenda of economic localisation. The film features a chorus of voices calling for systemic economic change, including Vandana Shiva, David Korten, Michael Shuman, Richard Heinberg, Rob Hopkins, Juliet Schor, Zac Goldsmith, Bill McKibben, and Samdhong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of Tibetʹs government in exile.Doors open at 6pm for a 6.45pm start. The film is 65 minutes long and will be followed by an opportunity for the audience to discuss the issues that most interested them with people representing some of Bristol’s localised solutions. Alcoholic drinks and snacks will be on sale. All proceeds from the event will be split between the film-makers, the Happy City Initiative and The Converging World.There are only 115 places for this launch event and places can only be guaranteed to those who book in advance. Tickets cost £4 and can be booked at the reception, 3rd floor, Bush House or the Guild, Old Market.For more information contact The Converging World at 0117 9277089