We’re looking for a volunteer Events Manager
The Converging World (TCW) is trying to raise £500,000 by December 31st so that it can install two more wind turbines in India. We are looking for a volunteer(s) to work specifically on event management in support of our Fundraising Manager and Marketing and Media Manager.
The position will be for 3 months and will include, liaising with our partner organisations, developing and sending out invitations, support in organising the event, promoting the event to wider networks and handling the administration associated with the events. The position is flexible in terms of time commitment so please contact us to discuss.
The opportunity will provide direct experience of working as part of a team, event management, campaign development and the knowledge that this is for a great cause. It will add to your CV and if appropriate provide references for future employment.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact TCW on 0117 927 7089