Find Out How We Are All Connected
It’s festival time! We are excited to be one of the sponsors of the 2015 Seed Festival in Hawkwood, Stroud, 17th to 19th July 2015. It’s a festival of green inspiration, artistic interpretation and planting big ideas.
On Saturday 18th July our CEO, Wendy Stephenson, will be speaking in the Future Thought Hub at 1pm about The Converging World. This is a unique opportunity to learn about how we will use funds from renewable energy to support reforestation, critical to cooling the planet and for supporting the livelihoods of future generations.
If you are coming along, don’t forget to visit The Converging World’s stand at the exhibition area in the forecourt of the main house. Learn about how to use Energy Map, a tool free for communities to help understand your energy use and CO2 emissions.
Tickets for the Seed Festival are still available. Find out more here. #plantingbigideas @seedfestival
Looking forward to seeing you there!