COVID-19 Update
Our community has been heavily impacted over the last couple of weeks with travel restrictions, multiple event cancellations, and overall business slowdown.
COVID-19 has changed the way in which many of us work, be that spending more time working from home, or exchanging physical workshops and meetings for virtual ones. At the same time, despite the fact COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind, we as an innovative network must continue to work together to achieve both environmental restoration and poverty alleviation. Many within our network are continuing to create a positive impact on the various communities adversely affected by the crisis.
In light of the pandemic, TCW is temporarily reducing its UK activity and has furloughed its UK staff from Monday, 6th April, 2020 for an initial period of one month. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly, but our management and board of trustees have decided that this is the most appropriate decision at this time to ensure that we can continue to deliver our impact into the future.
Nevertheless, the wind will continue to blow and our wind turbines will continue to turn providing the Indian grid with the clean green power it still so desperately needs. To date, we have produced over 146,000MWh of clean green power avoiding over 140,000 tonnes of CO2. Our partners on the ground in India will continue to tend to the saplings that you have supported, ensuring they are given the best chance to flourish in their first 2 years of life. Our donors have supported the planting of over 100,000 saplings in India making a huge global as well as local impact. The women’s groups that are supported through your donations will still have the opportunity to access a sustainable income through tending to these saplings reducing the levels of poverty for both them and their families.
We understand that this is in an unprecedented and uncertain time for everyone, and the TCW team will be taking this opportunity to reflect, develop and come back with new ideas to ensure our mission of environmental restoration and poverty alleviation is achieved.
If you are able and willing to support us by making a donation during this time, please click here.
We will be back, but until then, stay safe and be kind.
With love and good wishes
The Converging World Team.